Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Where oh where could my mocboard pt be... oh where oh where could they be...

NO MOCKBOARD! IM FREAKING OUT A LOT! Well, today was kinda one of those days... I know we have all had them so I dont need to go into detail. I have set a new goal for myself to be more serious with my pt about coming up to the clinic. I need to let them know this is my grade, i just have a hard time phrasing it sometimes. I will work on it.... and keep looking for a mockboard.... and try to be positive about dental hygiene right now... and take one day at a time...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Loops Are Cool!

Hey Girls, I really hope some of you read this and can give me some feedback! For the first time ever in my morning clinic i wore loops! McCall was sweet enough to let me borrow them the whole appointment and they were awesome! I have always thought about them but knew that they were out of my price range, now that i have used them and can tell how much better they make me, I will for sure get them. If you girls could tell me what brands you have and how you like them, that would be great seeing as we have convention this Friday! Also, (maybe it was the loops) I met my time goal during that morning appointment! I was hoping to find my mockboard pt today, but that didn't happen, so i will keep on searching! Goal for next Tue is to find a mockboard pt. Wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

When Will I Be Pro?

Does anyone else feel like they are not progressing? I feel like im stuck a little and Today i set a time goal for myself but didn't meet it. I still struggle with my x-rays and I still miss those blasted lower anteriors. I think i need to really come to clinic focused and ready for the day. Today i woke up late and was a tad late to the clinic so next week my goal is to get in the mind set of clinic the night before and really think about what i will be doing the next day! Wish me luck :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Roommate to the Rescue!

My loser of a pt. didn't want to show today, so I called my roommate and she was able to come in! This was just for my afternoon pt. My morning pt was awesome, she is a returning pt and is always reliable. I always feel like I can't express how grateful I really am for her! With her, I learned a very valuable lesson- put the ora on the right way! I am such a dumb blonde sometimes and when I went to take her anterior PA's I had the ora ring on upside down, luckily it was just scan-x so it didn't take a year and a half to retake them :) My afternoon pt was such a lifesaver and I also learned that I need to work on my time management with 1B's. I need to even out my time with each quad that I scale. I feel like I spend soooo much time on the UR where I start, then not as much time anywhere else but I still get the same result. Note to self: set time goals again this semester!